
Making art is magical.

When I make art I enter a state of presence and play. I follow the thread of curiosity and discover something new. The process comes full circle when I can share that magic with you.



I was always an artist as a child.


Growing up in Costa Rica,  I was surrounded by a lush natural setting that felt like Eden. 

My favorite thing was to lose track of time with painting and drawing, making clay figurines, and immersing myself in stories, whether hearing them or making them up. 

As I got older, I lost the connection to that spark and joy that I carried as a child. I thought that in order to be an adult I needed to be more serious and prove myself. 

Even though I took art classes here and there, I didn’t believe that I could ever be a “real artist”. So I focused on other pursuits, but the dream of making art was always there waiting for me. 

In early 2020, I found time to be still and quiet, and let go of trying to make anything happen. With a sense of spaciousness, I was able to feel my desire to make art and  I jumped into it with abandon. I started painting, experimenting, and playing again–like a kid. I felt reborn!

There’s nothing as enlivening as doing the thing that your soul really longs for. 


The process of making art is about discovery, and I always feel compelled to share what I find.

When my work touches people and adds to their magic, that is an amazing feeling.

I love bringing beauty into my clients’ lives and spaces.

Art can hold the energy of your desire and help you embody the life you want to live.

It’s about making your life beautiful, in a way that nourishes your soul.


Check out my paintings in the Store